• Two Villains

    Unique artwork.
    The Two Villains - Turdus and Kelly
    The common blackbird or manu pango is New Zealand’s most widespread and easily seen bird species. Familiar to everyone as the mischevious immigrant who loves to mess up our nicely mulched garden edges. Introduced in the 1860’s he’s of similar vintage to the Kelly axe head.   Repurposed steel and antique forestry axe 29x20x17cm
  • Unique artwork.
    A Toy Box of Unusually Tidy Proportions
    Large regular cube out of hundreds of colourful lost, found and re-used plastic toys. All in original condition. Many still functioning. Various common plastics. HDPE, PET, PVC, EPS, ABS 59x59x95cm
  • Stoop

    Unique artwork.
    A figure sitting at the base of a flight of stairs.   Mild steel, zinc 40x20x16cm
  • 1_Normal

    Unique artwork.
    The Allure of Congregation
    A two metre tall tower of Corten steel with a slim oval profile. Suitable for interior, courtyard or garden display. Corten steel 202x5x36cm
  • 2_Snake Eyes

    Unique artwork.
    The Bad Chemical Brothers from Ti Kouka Swamp
    A pair of entwined figures emerging from the swamp. Constructed of recovered steel and natural materials. mild steel, high carbon steel, cabbage tree foliage, feather 55x58x15cm
  • Unique artwork.
    A Transfiguration of Monad, Nude and The Thing From Harakeke
    Three individually mounted figures which can be re-arranged at will. From recovered steel and found materials. Mild steel, harakeke, polyurethane 55x58x15cm
  • 7_Dhimmi

    Unique artwork.
    The Order of Caliph Umar II
    Group of seven standing figures constructed of recovered metals. Mild steel, zinc, acrylic 55x56x14cm
  • 4_Friends

    Unique artwork.
    "Are You Seeing This Harvey?"
    Group of four figures constructed of recovered metals. Mild steel, zinc 55x58x15cm
  • 5_Cows

    Unique artwork.
    5_Cows The Global Protein Farm
    Group of five cows in a field with a three sided tower. Constructed of recovered steel. mild steel, oil drum 47x35x35cm
  • 6_On A Roll

    Unique artwork.
    The Dubious Practice of Social Determinism.
    Six figures and a large cylinder. Constructed of recovered steel and corten. Mounted on 10mm steel plate. Mild steel, corten, zinc 24x48x40cm
  • Unique artwork.
    An Offering of the Selfie.
    Free standing figure constructed of recovered metals. Suitable for interior or exterior display. High carbon steel, mild steel, zinc 85x26x26cm
  • Pukeko

    Unique artwork.
    Pukeko Porphyrio melanotus
    Capturing the comical grace and dramatic colouration of this popular New Zealand wetlands dweller, O’Keefe’s ode to the pukeko clearly reveals the artist’s accomplished affection for our native birds. All the steel is recycled and the iridescent blue achieved using discarded modern automotive panels.   Recovered steel and automotive panels 33x45x15cm
  • 8_Going Up

    Unique artwork.
    The Good Pheromone.
    Eight figures with cases at the base of a tall steel tower. Constructed of recovered steel and antique oil drum. Mild steel, oil drum, zinc 72x47x21cm
  • 9_One_One

    Unique artwork.
    The Loss of Innocence.
    Eleven figures gathered around a pair of rusted steel towers. Constructed of recovered steel. Mild steel, antique oil drum, zinc 65x56x20cm
  • Precipice

    Unique artwork.
    The Presence of Deity and The Idolatry Paradox.
    A female figure sitting on the edge of a tower. Constructed of repurposed steel. mild & polished steel 76x27x17cm